Hello, gorgeous! How do you celebrate your birthday? For me, like many others, I like to take the entire day off from work and spend the day getting pampered before enjoying the evening with my loved ones. However, I think I may need to level up my 2021 plans as client Anne has completely raised the bar with a Virtual Birthday Boudoir Shoot to celebrate her 45th birthday!
There’s nothing I love more than celebrating my client’s life milestones and it was a complete honour to be invited to make the 4,000 mile virtual trip for this incredible shoot. Want to hear all about Anne’s Virtual Birthday Boudoir Shoot and her absolutely beautiful take on body confidence? Read on…

Anne Marie Amorosa
Occupation: Director, Public Service Division, International Brotherhood of Teamsters (its a big union for workers over here in the US)
How would your best friend describe you? This was hard so I asked my friends and here is a smattering of their response… Caring and loving. No nonsense when it comes to injustices. One of the coolest, realest mother fuckers I’ve ever met in my life, Fierce! As foe and friend!! Happy to have you as my friend! Reimaginator for the people. Your vision of what the world could be is your mission. Where would we be if everyone lived with that much purpose?!?! (This was actually a treat, I highly recommend asking your friends this <3)
Name three things that you always carry with you? My backbone, chapstick, and a plan.
What was the last book you read? The Flame, Leonard Cohen. I’m a huge poetry fan.
Do you remember how you originally found me? The Lingerie Addict posted a photo and I went to see your page on Insta, once there I was quickly impressed with how beautiful the pictures were and started following you.
What inspired you to book a virtual shoot? I booked it to celebrate my 45th birthday. I’ve spent all of my life as an organizer and activist, I spent a lifetime amassing amazing experiences watching humans bet on themselves and win. During the last 25 years, I just didn’t prioritize myself outside “the work” and my kids. Suddenly my babies are both adults and I wanted to investigate this other side of life.

Who would play you in a movie of your life? I have no idea, but likely not someone I’d align with, I’m nothing if not a purist lol
Whats the most interesting thing about you that the internet doesn’t know about you yet? I’m a triple gemini. And it’s as terrifying and powerful as it sounds!
Tell us about one of the outfits you wore for your shoot – why do you love it? Are you kidding me?!? When I decided that I was going to invest in glamour the one must-have was a Catherine D’Lish marabou robe. It really helped bring my alter ego into existence- The Glamourous Agitator, the robe just makes me feel amazing and fancy and finally, frivolous!
Describe your Virtual Birthday Boudoir Shoot experience? First and foremost I have to stop and thank you, Tigz, you really created an experience I will never forget. I live in Chicago so when I learned a virtual shoot with you was available, I knew I had to. Because it was my birthday weekend my wife booked a fancy suite at the Hotel we were married in (October 2020). It’s a gorgeous art deco-inspired hotel in the heart of the city. I was very nervous going into the shoot, I am not a model, I am much more comfortable on a strike line than in front of a camera. Luckily my wife was available to help manage the robe fluffing and camera positioning and you came in with THE BEST posing guidance. I learned so much just from being directed by you, the toe point changes everything! I really enjoyed the whole process immensely!
What song gets you on the dancefloor? I’m legally required to dance anytime I hear M.I.A’s Go Off.
What are you most proud of in your life so far? I made two of the absolute dopest kids ever, they are compassionate, weird and brilliant and despite being a very young mom they both made it to adulthood (23 and 21) fairly intact! I was told that as I aged I would become less radical, more adaptable to the crushing soullessness of capitalism, and I’m proud to say that at 45 I am still radical. I’ve been proud to fight alongside healthcare workers and educators to improve working conditions and the community. I’ve worked on some groundbreaking organizing projects and walked picket lines with fearless leaders from all over this country. You know the saying: do epic shit? I’ve done that, made a life out taking big risks, fighting the bad guys and love the fuck out of humanity, because loving us all is the best reason to fight <3.

What will your autobiography be called? Yours in struggle, Anne (a love letter to rebels, radicals and revolutionaries). This may or may not already being worked on.
What is your top body confidence tip? This might be a controversial answer but you don’t have to have any body confidence- it’s ok if you don’t. My confidence lies in my brain and my work. You can still treat yourself well, you can still be kind and gentle with yourself. For me, part of the appeal of doing all of this is to try to see myself differently. To see myself through someone else’s eyes and reflect on it. I was able to look at these pictures and see even if I don’t quite know what to make of myself, those images are beautiful, the composition, the shapes. I may never find confidence in my body but neutrally and peace with it is ok too.
If you could be a model for any brand, which brand would it be and why? I’m a big fan of Playful Promises because they are so much more inclusive than most lingerie brands I see.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking about booking a boudoir shoot of their own? Do it! If you are looking through the pictures, worrying that you aren’t a model, you definitely do not need to be one. Tigz will walk you through the whole shoot while making you feel beautiful and supported. It really is a magical experience.
What exciting project are you working on right now? Again, I’m not a professional model or entertainer so I will take this dreamy experience with me while I continue to build power for working people and you can expect to see me on a picket line or protest real soon reminding people that you can be both very very glamorous (glamour as defined by you, not ads) and tear down an oppressive state
Inspired By Anne’s Virtual Birthday Boudoir Shoot?
Let’s make a date for your very own Virtual Boudoir Shoot, Send me a message with your birthday date and let’s get you booked in – I can’t wait to celebrate with you!