Hey you! It seems like the sun is here to stay for a while and it is certainly doing wonders for my productivity levels in the studio. After an early start in the studio, almost all of the editing is complete, I’ve hired a new accountant, finalised everything for the studio move and…been busy working on my first online tutorial! Filmed at Adobe HQ with the help of Richard Curtis, this tutorial showcasing the benefits of subscribing to Adobe Creative Cloud for photographers and how they can increase their profit potential by utilising the in built filming capabilities of their digital SLR and introducing video to their repertoire of services offered. Utilising Lightroom and Premiere Pro, I cover the basics of video editing, including adding soundtracks, cutting and marking video content, and probably most importantly, showing you the best formats to export your content into for HD and online sharing. It also includes hands on demonstrations with both the new Wacom Cintiq 13HD and the Wacom Cintiq 24HD Touch (more info at the end of the Youtube link) for any of you who want to see what they’re capable of! If I haven’t said it before, I REEEEEALLLLY want a Cintiq 24HD Touch. If anyone would like to buy me one, I’ll be forever grateful! 😉 I must admit, its a bit weird seeing my face on film, but it was a great experience and I’m especially glad to have been pushed out of my comfort zone hiding behind the camera! I’m sure this will be the first of many tutorials to come. Have a watch, please share and let me know what you think!

My 15th Business Birthday
Today's a very important day, as I'm celebrating my 15th business birthday! I have no idea where all of that time has gone, but here we are,...