Retouching in Photoshop Workshop

Retouching in Photoshop Workshop

Back by popular demand, my Retouching in Photoshop workshop is returning for 2017. Looking to take your post production to the next level? Welcome to Retouching in Photoshop, a half day workshop packed with industry standard tips, tricks and techniques...
Lightroom Workflow: Import To Export

Lightroom Workflow: Import To Export

Back by popular demand, my Lightroom Workflow: Import To Export workshop will be returning for 2017. Tired of editing photos one by one? Welcome to Lightroom, a handy software package from Adobe that not only allows you to non-destructively batch edit your image...
Fix It In Photoshop Workshop

Fix It In Photoshop Workshop

Back by popular demand, I’m really pleased to announce that my “Fix It In Photoshop” workshop is returning to Farm Week for another year! Held at the glorious Ridge Farm in Dorking, Photography Farm will be flinging open its solid oak front...
Lightroom Workflow: Masterclass

Lightroom Workflow: Masterclass

Back by popular demand, I’m really pleased to announce that “Lightroom: Import To Export” workshop is returning to Farm Week for another year! Held at Ridge Farm in Dorking, Photography Farm will be flinging open its solid oak doors from...